Monday, July 13, 2009
Hard-to-Believe Story of Manohara - improved!
She is young –very young!- but suffered. In her age, she had experienced awful things. She said she was unhappy to be in the Kelantan Palace. She was locked alone in a room and she had been physically abused. Her chest was slitted by razor blade. As her confession, her husband did that. How come? That question always forms in my mind. It’s just unbelievable. Physically abused and locked in a room? Oh No. that’s very bad and cruel thing! It’s like living in a golden cage.
Her husband has bad attitude. How come a husband can hurt his wife physically? I don’t think he realized if she’s just too young. She still has long future. How if the thing that he did to her can caused a big trauma for Manohara? It can ruin her future.
Things she got are very unacceptable. Being abused, locked in a room, and kidnapped! This kidnapping happened in Mecca. She was kidnapped from her own mother. Unbelievable! (again). Being separated with Mom? I can’t imagine that. It’s just too harsh. Tragic!
She is now free. She is still young and has many dreams in her future. I hope her already-built model career will not be ruined due to this case. She still has a long road to walk. I give my salute in her ‘rescuing’ drama in Singapore. She had a very brave action to push the lift’s emergency button which is successfully worked to call out the Singapore Cops. She’s finally free from the golden cage because of her brave action!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Hard-to-Believe Story of Manohara
The escaping. Months after her marriage, she escaped from Malaysia. She claimed if she had been abused by her husband. This escaping was helped by her mother. It is the first unbelievable news for me. Being abused? well yes, I do not agree if so. It's unacceptable. Manohara is physically abused. Her chest was slitted by razor blade. It is a cruel thing.
The kidnapping. The newspaper I read, wrote about her kidnapping in Mecca. She was kidnapped after having a pilgrimage in Mecca with her mother and sister. Although the one who kidnapped her is her own husband, I do really can not imagine it. Being separated with Mom? I can not describe what would I feel! It is just too harsh! there's no one wants to be separated with Mom. Tragic!
She is now free. Thank God. She is still young, and has many dreams in her future. I hope her already-built model career will not be disturbed due to this case. She still has a long road to walk. I give my salute in her 'rescuing' drama in Singapore in the end of last month. She had a very brave action to push the lift's emergency button which is successfully worked to call out the Singapore Cops. Her brave action saves her!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Experiencing A Strange Night in Malang - improvement
We saw room number one first. We didn’t know why, but we felt that the room had a bad atmosphere and not cozy. We felt a little bit disappointed but we ignored that feeling. I thought the second room would be like that too at first, but when the room boy led us to second room, the atmosphere was different! It was better than number one although they were same in type. So, my sisters and I preferred to stay in room number two to number one. Because there was no other choice of single rooms left, my parents stayed in room number one.
In the morning next day, my parents told us whether they had experienced strange things the previous night. First, they heard a water flow came from their bathroom for about one minute. The sound was so clear and loud. In fact, both of my parents didn’t open the tap. Second, the main light went out irreasonably. The electricity was okay and so was the lamp, as the room officer said. 10 minutes later, the main light went on surprisingly! A big question mark formed in my parents’ and the room officer’s mind. What a strange!
At noon, my parents decided to leave the hotel because of those strange experiences and looked after other hotel. My sisters and I couldn’t imagine if we experienced it. In the future, my family will not ever to stay in that hotel because we don’t want to experience the same strange things again.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Experiencing a Strange Night in Malang
We saw room number one first. We didn’t know why, but we felt that the room had a bad atmosphere and not cozy. We felt a little bit disappointed but we ignored that feeling. I thought the second room would be like that too at first, but when the room boy led us to second room, the atmosphere was different! It was better than number one although they were same in type. So, my sisters and I preferred to stay in room number two to number one. Because there was no other choice of single rooms left, my parents stayed in room number one.
In the morning next day, my parents told us whether they had experienced strange things the previous night. First, they heard a water flow came from their bathroom for about one minute. The sound was so clear and loud. In fact, both of my parents didn’t open the tap. Second, the main light went out unreasonably. The electricity was okay and so was the lamp, as the room officer said. 10 minutes later, the main light went on surprisingly! A big question mark formed in my parents’ and the room officer’s mind. What a strange!
At noon, my parents decided to leave the hotel because of those strange experiences and looked after other hotel. My sisters and I couldn’t imagine if we experienced it. In the future, my family will not ever to stay in that hotel because we don’t want to experience the same strange things again.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Fascinating Bromo Mountain - second draft
Besides Kasada Ceremony, we can also enjoy the sunrise or in other words, welcoming the dawn. Red, yellow, and orange colors are perfectly mixed, coloring the clean and blue morning sky. The crater of Bromo also has a magnificent view. The crater itself is active and release clouds of sulfur. To reach the crater, we have to ride the horse to cross the sand sea. Then, we should step up the long stairs.
Talking about Bromo Mountain has no ends. There are still many interesting things in Bromo Mountain to be discovered. It is a good choice to put Mount Bromo in your vacation list. You can visit it when you are in holidays or weekends. Its beauty is just too awesome to be ignored. Only one word I can say about Bromo Mountain: FASCINATING!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Fascinating East Java

East Java is a province in eastern of Java Island. East Java has many things to be proud of. One of them is the tribes. There are many traditional tribes who live in East Java. Those tribes are Tengger, Madura, Java, and so on. Tengger people who live around Bromo Mountain have annual traditional ceremony called Kasada. It is held in order to show their grateful to their God for their successful harvest. They bring some of their crops such as rice plant, banana, cassava, and so on to the Bromo’s crater. This is an interesting ceremony. Besides the ceremony itself, we can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Mount Bromo, especially in sunrise. Red, orange, and yellow colors are perfectly mixed into wonderful color. Its beauty has been famous in the world.
Madura people who mostly live in Madura Island, has an interesting traditional bull race. It is called “Karapan Sapi”. Karapan Sapi involves one man who rides two bulls in both of his side. The race is held in a wide area. The fastest team is the winner. Besides Karapan Sapi, Madura people also have their famous Batik Madura. Batik is a cloth with unique motif made by hand. Batik Madura is attractive in color such as light red or yellow. Many tourists buy Batik Madura as souvenirs.
Talking about East Java has no ends. There are still many traditional tribes with their unique customs and cultures. Its beaches and mountains are too beautiful to be ignored and its traditional foods are just too delicious to be unnoticed. Only one word I can say about East Java: FASCINATING!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Delightful Sidoarjo - second draft
Sidoarjo has many special products that make this city different with others. Sidoarjo people have successfully processed their biggest nature commodities –shrimp and milkfish- into delicious food and spices. Smoked milkfish, dried shrimp –common known as ebi-, shrimp paste or petis, and terasi are the examples. Sidoarjo has other commodities. They are bags and shoes. Bags center is in Tanggulangin. We can find a lot of bags stores along Tanggulangin road. Shoes center is in Wedoro. Many shoes stores spread in this small village. They are shopping heavens for ladies, areen't they?. From my explanation above, it’s not too much if I said: Sidoarjo is so delightful, isn’t it?